Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Behaviorism in Practice

The key idea behind the behaviorist theory is eliciting a desired behavior through the use of rewards and punishments. The course text defines the instructional strategy of reinforcing effort is a method of illustrating the correlation between completion/effort and score. The completion/effort piece would be considered the behavior while the score is the reward/punishment. Students sometimes feel powerless in their educational world. Using technology such as Excel graphs allows them the opportunity to visually see the correlation between work ethic and success. The text homework and practice instructional strategy is a method used to to reinforce material presented in the classroom. The resources posted this week most fall under this category. The resources presented allow students to practice learned skills with reinforcement. While sometimes drill and practice gets a bad reputation, we learned from Dr. Wolfe's presentation on brain research that connections in the brain that are used more often form stronger pathways for recall.


  1. Are there any types of short term incentives that students can receive (ie. certificate, bonus points) for completing the online drill and practice games?

  2. Yes, I have a system in place where the students can earn rewards (free computer time, math games, and good news letters to parents) based on completion and then separate rewards based on performance. I find that without theses short term incentives the students tend to find the program tedious.
